
Organic Filtration

Industrial SectorOrganic Filtration

Cellulos Filter Aids

Excellent separating qualities & Economical Advantages

The specific use of cellulose filter aids is up to 70% less when compared with mineral products. In practice this translates to reduced consumption and significantly less sludge which is often associated with expensive and time-consuming disposal.

Reduced consumption when using cellulose filter aids means:

  • less waste
  • lower disposal costs
  • less product loss
  • efficient and economic filtration

Environmentally friendly disposal

Cellulose filter aids can be disposed easily, economically and, in part, even profitably through recovery of valuable processing aids (such as catalysts).

Reliable and highly effective

In practice, due to their fibrous structure, the jagged surfaces as well as the large pore volume, higher flow rates are usually obtained with organic filter aids as compared with mineral products. At the same time filters last longer. Due to their structure the fibers react elastically to pressure surges. They bridge damaged spots in the filter material and through the use of an inner bonding make subsequent cleaning of the filter cake easier. Since organic filter aids are soft and nonabrasive, pumps, pipes and conveying elements are well-protected .

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